So Long, Snow
“April comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?”
What a difference a week makes.
The old aphorism about lions and lambs refers to March. But as we close out the winter of 2022-2023, it’s only fitting that we apply it to April.
This year was the 3rd-snowiest on record, with almost 90 inches of snow. And just when it seemed like it may never dissipate, the temperature hit 83° and within 2 days, it was gone. The photo above shows the same field a week apart.
One important thing to notice is the ground cover on the field. Years ago, when tillage was used for corn & soy on this field, the ground was nearly bare, with an occasional corn stalk to help hold the soil in place. Today, after renovating the pasture to perennial grasses, the field starts each spring with billions of individual roots that help infiltrate snowmelt (mitigate runoff) and a warm blanket to hold water for plants (moisture retention).
We’re excited to play a part in healing the land as we integrate livestock, foster perennial plants, and promote microbiological activity in a dynamic ecosystem that provides nutritious, delicious food for our family and yours.