For Your Family, and Ours
Forest-Raised Pork
Rust Hill Ranch pigs are raised in their natural habitat—the forest. They can express their natural rooting behavior as they consume leaves, grass, acorns, walnuts, insects, worms, and roots. While tilling the soil, they enhance their diet with natural minerals. Our pigs are healthy, happy, and wholesome.
Pasture-Raised Chicken
Rust Hill Ranch chickens are raised outdoors in mobile “cathedrals,” with full-time access to fresh air, green leaves, bugs, and sunlight. Each day, they are moved onto a new patch of pasture. Our chickens receive organic, non-GMO feed. They scratch, aerate, and fertilize the soil, and never see the same ground twice during their lifetime. They have a rich flavor that you have to taste to believe.
Grassfed Beef
Grassfed and grass-finished beef are rotated onto fresh pasture every 2-3 days, which is a regenerative approach to pasture management, maximizing the growth of grasses and legumes. A diverse pasture allows the animals to obtain balanced nutrition in their diet.
Grassfed Lamb
Grassfed lamb complement the cattle. Sheep prefer woodier plants and forbs (colloquially called “weeds”). At Rust Hill Ranch, sheep and cattle are grouped together in a “flerd” (flock + heard). They create a diverse grazing community and efficiently utilize the variety of plants on the pasture.